Data Engine/QML/Python Guidance Needed

Eric Mesa ericsbinaryworld at
Mon Aug 15 13:37:29 UTC 2011

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 5:34 AM, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at> wrote:

> complex types from Python will not be able to be used from users of the
> DataEngine. the data is being exported from the Python runtime, after all.
> you'll need to simplify the returns, e.g. turn the XML into a string and
> the
> provide the list as a separate key/value pair.

So I can't go Python->DataEngine->Python?  (where I embed my QML into
Python) If that's true, when I turn the XML to a string, it still retains
its XML structure, right?  So the QML can just treat it as XML later?  IOW,
I don't want to lose the benefit of XML's structured data.

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