Default Effects for Plasma Active

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Fri Apr 29 10:13:51 CEST 2011

Hi all,

for the Plasma Active shells not all KWin effects seem usefull. Below are a 
list of effects I think we should ship, some I am not sure, and some we 
shouldn't ship.

Effects to ship:
* fade
* login
* presentwindows (till window strip is implemented)
* slidingpopups
* taskbarthumbnail
* blur
* screenshot

Effects maybe to ship:
* dialogparent (if dialogs are not maximized it can be useful)
* dimscreen (same as above for system changes)
* outline (used in Alt+tab and quick tile, but might be useful in general)
* logout (currently broken for gles and only useful if there is the normal 
logout dialog)
* startupfeedback (depends whether we want to provide feedback, but bouncing 
cursor without a cursor might be strange)

Effects not to ship:
* boxswitch
* dashboard
* desktopgrid
* diminactive
* fadedesktop
* fallapart
* highlightwindow
* magiclamp
* translucency
* minimizeanimation
* resize
* scalein
* showfps
* showpaint
* slide
* slideback
* thumbnailaside
* windowgeometry
* zoom
* coverswitch
* cube
* explosion
* flipswitch
* glide
* invert
* lookingglass
* mousemark
* sheet
* snaphelper
* trackmouse
* wobblywindows

Those in the last list are also on my kill-list for desktop, too ;-)

I recommend a new build-flag KWIN_MOBILE_EFFECTS to exclude the effects 
from build.


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