system tray work

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon May 10 12:47:41 CEST 2010

On Monday 10 May 2010, Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> On 07/05/2010 18:06, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > On May 7, 2010, Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> >> But it's not enough because KStatusNotifierItem shows the menu itself
> >> instead of sending a menu request over DBus. Which is understandable
> >> because there is currently no way to send a menu request. This would be
> >> a good addition in my opinion, what do you think about this?
> > 
> > i'm not exactly sure what you mean by "sending a menu request" ... at
> > what point (besides the context menu) does KSNI decide to show a menu?
> > (and in the case of the context menu, we do send a request)
> klipper provides a shortcut key to popup the menu. There is no way to do
> this with KSNI right now.

one can assign a shortcut to the icon itself in the systray config (recent 
it could become the only way to do that , or both could remain (in the case of 
menu appearing at mouse cursor position, it would have to be the app that 
renders the menu (as opposed to dbusmenu) so it would look a bit weird.

in any case, _even if there are still come bugs_, i would really, really, 
really like to see this patch going in before freeze, this, means 
it's clear that won't be totally smooth, because the two protocols are 
different enough, that's it, but the alternative is no progress at all.

Marco Martin

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