Idea: Window management for 4.5

Emdek emdeck at
Sat Jan 30 11:53:08 CET 2010

On 30-01-2010 at 11:25:29 Marco Martin <notmart at> wrote:
> On 1/30/10, Emdek <emdeck at> wrote:
>> On 29-01-2010 at 19:30:48 Jonathan Schmidt-Dominé - Developer
>>  <devel at> wrote:
>>  > Comments? Suggestions? Ideas?
>>  I'm working on similar thing for my Fancy Tasks applet.
>>  Currently it supports connecting jobs to application icon, but  
>> currently
>>  I'm working on own library for task management (currently paused, I'm
>>  working on my thesis) that will allow for (optional) connecting
>>  notifications and maybe also menus from systray (depends what is  
>> available
>>  in new systray spec).
> This is actually one of the goals of the new systray spec.
> icons are categorized, so while entries about hardware status really
> belong to a special area, most of them are just application status, so
> really belong to the taskbar.
> the WId of the main window is exposed over DBus, so should be easy to
> hook them to the proper task entry.

Nice. :-)

> personally i don't think i'll have time in the 4.5 timeframe, not
> sure. but iif somebody is willing to take the burden i would be happy
> to mentor him

You mean adding support for it to tasks applet or libtaskmanager directly?

Best regards,

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