preview in wallpaper dialog

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Aug 11 22:00:16 CEST 2010

hi all ...

so .. we have that pretty preview in the wallpaper settings, completely with
a pretend monitor and everything. the preview itself looks nice ... but

... it looks pretty murderous in the dialog itself given how it distorts the
 layout and takes up space.

i spent some time today considering what the real value of it is. right now
we have in-line previews for nearly all of our wallpapers, so the preview is
mostly (though not 100%) duplicated information. for wallpapers that would
like to show a preview, they can probably do so themselves in their own
 configuration layout.

i've implemented it locally already and i think it looks a lot better, if a
little more boring. the only wallpaper that really suffers from the missing
preview, imho, is the patterns wallpaper, but that could be addressed by
 making its configuration like the images one.

which brings me to the next issue: sharing the previewer. this could be done
by sharing the delegate that paints the items via Plasma::Wallpaper,
 requiring a view with a model that provides the BackgroundDelegate roles.


Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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