Fwd: Plasma on MID, take 2

Michael Rudolph michael.rudolph at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 18:37:47 CEST 2009

Hello everyone,

that's the email I wanted to send to all of you. Stupid gmail; or me! ;-)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Rudolph <michael.rudolph at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 18:25
Subject: Re: Plasma on MID, take 2
To: morpheuz at openbossa.org

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 17:11, Artur Souza(MoRpHeUz)
<morpheuz at openbossa.org> wrote:
> Answering your question: yes, let's start a wiki page with the use cases, ask
> seele some help and try to figure out what can be done =D

Hi Artur,

done! See http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Plasma-MID

I already posted Emmanuel's first use case. Mainly as a placeholder,
to not have an empty page. :-)

Emmanuel, I really think we need to improve the little scenario
though. I already trimmed it down to just "looking up a restaurant"
(you basically gave three use cases: looking up weather, booking a
hotel, and finding a restaurant). But even in the trimmed-down state
I'm not sure how to make much of it.

What I think, would be an important next step, would be to appoint
someone responsible for the use cases. Basically what Aaron asked a
couple of weeks ago: who's taking responsibility for plasma-mid? Artur
and Marco took the role, I seem to remember; would you do it again?
Having a "bottleneck" in our design process would definitely help to
find a unified direction. Next I'd open the floodgates and crowdsource
the process of coming up with ideas for use cases, basically asking on
planetkde, what people would like to do with their MIDs. This should
give us enough material to compile a dozen use cases, or more.

What do you say? Is this a good way to gather ideas? What would you
do, to support Emmanuel or whoever will work on plasma-mid over the
summer, to do the best work they can?


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