Notifications Theming

Michael Rudolph michael.rudolph at
Wed Mar 11 12:02:10 CET 2009

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:36, Marco Martin <notmart at> wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 March 2009, Trever Fischer wrote:
>> On Tuesday 10 March 2009 12:15:53 pm Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> > On Friday 06 March 2009, Trever Fischer wrote:
>> > > Are there any plans to, erm, extend the Extender class and provide some
>> > > custom SVG elements for notifications?
>> >
>> > Rob's already commented on the animations and current theming system, so
>> > i'll skip that bit, but...
>> >
>> > ... why do we want notifications (or jobs, for that matter) to look
>> > different?
>> Notifications/jobs are unique elements of a desktop, so they should be
>> allowed to be styled as such. If someone has some really super-slick idea
>> for how notifications should look, they can easily theme them without
>> having to worry about all other extenders looking strange. For instance,
>> I'd like the default plasma theme to have transparent notifications instead
>> of using the opaque extender SVG. imho, extenders are just generic widgets
>> with special behavior. Notifications are special widgets with special
>> behavior. They're very distinct.
> so you won't be able to stack them anymore together. is really difficult
> already to have that stacked effect good looking and far from perfect
> it's true that notification now are perhaps a bit in your face, but i think
> making themeven more different from all the rest would just make things worse
>> And aren't notifications meant to be able to grab a user's attention? If
>> they look like every other UI element, they have a tendency blend right in.
>> Of course, all of this can be considered moot, since someone just has to
>> write their own notifications plasmoid.
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Hello everyone,

while I agree with you that Trever hasn't given any compelling reasons
for notification theming, "because we can" has always seemed to be a
good enough reason in KDE (that was of course in times when the
proposing party would also be the realizing party). But the
possibility to arrive at a growl-like notification system seems
inviting to me. Essentially we would crowdsource the process of
finding a good way to notify the user.

The totally unappealing, because unhip alternative to the über-modern
crowdsourcing would of course be to ask an expert :-). Just yesterday
Celeste reminded us, that she is doing work in exactly that field. So
my humble opinion regarding this, is to ask her if we can be of any
help to her and what's her time frame for it.

Just my two cents.


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