Another Summer of Code proposal (desktop dock)

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Wed Mar 4 17:58:31 CET 2009

Hi Fabio,

It is highly recommended for you to compile the trunk (at least kdelibs and 
plasma) before GSoC starts so that you (if your project gets accepted) don't 
waste the time later in the process.

The other reason being that when you set the build environment for the 
aforementioned parts of KDE, you'll have already prepared environment for your 
project aswell.

The second thing you should start thinking of is the project itself. I suppose 
there'll be many dock-related proposals. So you'll need to be inventive and 
realistic when you're writing yours. It is not enough just to copy the text 
from the /GSoC ideas/ page, and it is not enough to just write all the 
features existing docks have.

I hope I didn't sound discouraging, it wasn't my intention.

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