applet browser widget: the icon and the info

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Jun 29 23:17:26 CEST 2009

On Monday 29 June 2009, Ana Cecília Martins Barbosa wrote:
> > libplasma and i don't expect you to fix _everything_ in plasma as you go
> > ;)
> That would be great great great!

ok, i'll see if i can implement this today...

> > so here's my suggestion: let's use clickable Plasma::ToolTips. mouse over
> > the
> > applet and you get a tooltip. want info, click on the info button in the
> > tooltip. this will work _really_ nicely if the icon list is in a
> > horizontal or
> > vertical list.
> Is it really doable? I mean, to place a widget inside a tooltip? If so,

we already do that. the widget we show is pre-defined, however. so i need to 
look into it and see what would be the best way to allow a custom widget in 

> About the info widget, I know that now it doesn't really make much sense,
> since the information to add there is few (description) and could be easily
> placed in a tooltip, for example. But when I did that I was thinking on
> that fallback list stated at the begining of the project: preview ->
> screenshot -> icon -> default icon. With the screenshot or even a preview
> the info widget would make much more sense. I attached a picture of a
> drawing that shows an idea I had of showing a preview of the applet. Just
> an idea i had...

a running preview, or a bigger screenshot?

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software
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