planning for 4.4

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Jun 26 23:47:52 CEST 2009

hi all ...

i'd like to invite everyone to a "planning for Plasma in 4.4" irc meeting. it 
would be great to do it this weekend, as Akademy is next week. i know some of 
our people are at linuxtag this weekend, but hopefully they can find an hour 
or so tomorrow to work it in.

it will be the usual "what are our plans and goals for 4.4, and who'll be 
doing what" coordination meet up so we know where we are headed in the next 
six months. with Akademy next week, it's a great opportunity to get together 
in person and work on these things even further. as you probably know, i won't 
be there this year, but i will be online 24x7 (P. will be out with his mom, so 
i should be relatively free, aside from packing up the house).

can those who can make it tomorrow at 15:00 UTC please rsvp to this email. 
those can not, let me know if sunday works better.

as for possible agenda items, i have a decently healthy list of items already:

* plasma mid
* notification queuing and logging
* full featured JavaScript API (binding Qt+KDE libs in full)
* further extension of the Simple JavaScript API
* kinetic
* remote widgets/engines/services
* context menus and mouse action plugins for containments
* add widget dialog
* improvements to ZUI (finally _nail_ that crap)[1]
* window slide in/out in KWin
* social desktop
* plasmate
* video driven "welcome" plasmoid
* the ARM CPU arch and plasma
* moving system tray from experimental to fd.o standard
* krunner magic -> basics are in place, now lets take it to school!
* developer documentation, website
* kuiserver and plasma job display
* autoupdating / checking of plasmoids

[1] i've figured out a rather hackish way to draw shawdows around the 
containments in DesktopView when zoomed out .. *grin* it's not pretty, but it 
will work and not degrade performance. which means we can replace the 
checkerboard background.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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