Review Request: an overlay effect element for framesvg

Nuno Pinheiro nuno at
Mon Jan 12 19:10:03 CET 2009

A Monday 12 January 2009 17:32:57, Aaron J. Seigo escreveu:
> On Monday 12 January 2009, Nuno Pinheiro wrote:
> > > define "randomly"
> >
> > The idea for this case was that plasmoid A gets the same exact look every
> > time but the bg of plasmoid A is diferent from plasmoid B.
> does it matter what the widget is (e.g. "digital-clock") or just that it's
> the same for that same widget when plasma re-loads?
> e.g. would it be alright to randomly pick a location for the applet
> background effect for each widget and then stick to that? or do we need to
> hardcode positions for, e.g., "digital-clock"? (that actually wouldn't work
> in practice, but i'll ask anyways to figure out what you're planning =)

> there are five ways this could be done without being too crazy:
> * hardcoded locations for different widgets. this could be done per-widget,
> allowing them to specify where the effect "looks best". in this manner, all
> widgets of the same type would have complete control over its positioning
> and each instance of that type of widget would look identical. this does
> remove some of the control from the theme designer as the widget would now
> be involved in saying where the effect should appear.

good idea

> * random position whenever a widget is created. this would result in every
> widget having a (potentially) unique position, and this position would
> change between launches of plasma.

bad idea IMO, in this case the idea is that a given plasmoid looks exactly the 
same every time... so people recognize them even the decos... mybe some theme 
creators would want them to look allways diferently every time, might work for 
some decorative higly dense themes but not in this case. 

> * random position whenever a widget is *first* created. this would result
> in every widget having a (potentially) unique position, but the position
> would remain constant between launches of plasma

would work just as well and the plasmoid creators would not need to care about 
it, but i gess that coders interested in prefect looking plasmoid will like to 
set the position of the efect. 

> * random position per widget type. this would would result in each type of
> widget (e.g. "digital-clock") having a (potentially) unique position, but
> all instances of the widget would look the same (so all digital-clocks
> would have the same look). on each launch of plasma, this random position
> would be recalculated whenever a new type of widget appears.

not sure people/users precive type of plasmoids and would heven notece it, but 
its an idea, I prefer 1 or 3

> * constant random position per widget type. this would would result in each
> type of widget (e.g. "digital-clock") having a (potentially) unique
> position, but all instances of the widget would look the same (so all
> digital-clocks would have the same look), and this position would be
> maintained between launches of plasma until the configuration files were
> removed.

same anser I would prefer per plasmoid and not per type, but no religious 
thoughts about it.

> which most closely matches your vision of things?

Oxygen coordinator  

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