KDE4 Menus (and applet switching)

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 16:24:51 CEST 2008

> > but still, Categories would be the direction to go; and i'm not sure
> > Application Launchers is such a big problem.
> The only thing I see, specially considering that specific purpose, is when
> we have, for instance, Quick Launcher applet or alike, that fits
> Application Launchers but not Menus (which, btw, I'd suggest System Menus -

OK, so to say that we have agreed to use the Category as a detector for menus 
(whichever it is - 'Application Launchers' or 'System Menus')

@Aaron (mostly)
Since this is a code that would be good to be shared between the 
implementations, where should I put it?

There is also one thing more to consider - this feature or behaviour would 
also fit the clocks very nicely (rmb on the digital one to get options to 
replace it with analog or something else)... and possibly some other applets.


While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun
    -- The Pink Floyd

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