power management settings mockup

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Fri Sep 12 23:18:56 CEST 2008

(Yes, for the popup, I had instant apply in mind)

On Friday 12 September 2008 20:26:20 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > All instant apply dialogs must have an
> > Undo/Revert function so you will still have a button somewhere.
> hm.. that's an added requirement we have no infrastructure for ... i'll
> have to think on that.

In the battery applet, that's actually different (and easier). We'll reset to 
whatever the powerdevil daemon does (i.e. the current profile), so we don't 
need to cache the previous settings, but just sync the settings with the data 
from the engine (or possibly even from the kded module directly). That's how I 
envision it, the data that we're dealing with is highly dynamic, so it doesn't 
make sense to reply to some old settings (because the state of the machine 
might have changed).

Hmm. Actually I start doubting that a 'revert/undo' thing makes sense in this 
case. At some point (the next profile changing trigger, for example pulling 
the AC cable out, or battery runs into critical) the settings will be changed 
automatically and the machine is in sync again. Also, reverting the display 
brightness does only make sense in some cases (imagine someone put on the 
light -- you'll want to adjust the brightness to your liking then, but not 

I'll give it some more thinking ...

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