Semantics of zoming out with multiple monitors

Guillaume Pothier gpothier at
Thu Oct 16 15:38:07 CEST 2008

Now that each screen has its own "cashew", the question is raised of
what is the semantics of zooming out when there are several monitors.
What happens now for example if I zoom out using the screen 1's
cashew, is that I see the containments for screen 1 and screen 0
zoomed out on screen 1, and screen 0's containment is also displayed
with no zoom on screen 0. That feels realy strange... What I would
expect is to see all the activities assiciated with screen 1 zoomed
out. That begs the question: should there be one corona per screen? Or
the coordinate space of the corona should be partitioned so that you
don't see the containments of other screens when you zoom out on one

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