Recommended reading

Michael Rudolph michael.rudolph at
Sun Oct 12 22:58:19 CEST 2008

Hello everyone,

I added two new links to our "recommended reading" page on techbase
the other day
and noticed, that the list has become quite large already and I
started wondering, whether it actually makes sense to add more and
more resources to this list. So I wanted to gather some comments from
you guys.

Is this list useful to you? Do you read it at all? Would you prefer a
rather static list of four or five "definitive" resources on user
interface design or do you want a constant flow of ideas and
inspirations from the fields of interface design (software and
hardware), information visualization and interaction design? Do you
want just the links or would a short explanation be helpful, because
it is not always clear why I think things are relevant for plasma?

Just tell me your comments and I wil try to make this into a more
useful resource for our community.


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