Extender api review.

Richard Moore richmoore44 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 00:59:01 CEST 2008

Just the minor stuff:


 bool supportDetachables() const;
should be:
 bool supportsDetachables() const;

 void setForcePanelCollapse(bool collapse);
This name is pretty much meaningless, it should be renamed, I'm not
sure what is better though.

bool forcePanelCollapse() const;
For boolean flags we have a convention that the getter will be named
something hasXX or isXX, this breaks that convention.

QString noDetachablesLabel() const;
Can someone figure out what this does from the name? I'd say no.

 void setSupportDetachables(bool supportDetachables);
should be
 void setSupportsDetachables(bool supportDetachables);


name() -> const

bool detachable();
should be
bool isDetachable() const;

bool collapsed() const;
should be
bool isCollapsed() const;


 void addExtender(Applet *extender);
no corresponding remove?

I suspect there are several missing slots, in the above too. In
addition defining some Q_PROPERTIES would be a good idea. This is just
a quick run through without paying attention to the semantics of the
operations themselves.



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