About chapters and titles...

Tanguy Krotoff tkrotoff at gmail.com
Sun Apr 27 11:52:46 CEST 2008


Currently for dealing with chapters (and titles) we have:

void setCurrentChapter(int chapterNumber);
int availableChapters() const;
int currentChapter() const;

A chapter/title is just an int.

Since there is no Description object, it is not possible to give to
the user more informations like title duration (DVD) or chapter's
title (mkv format support this).

IMHO, by switching to Description objects for chapters and titles (I
don't see the need for angles), we can provide this while keeping the
API consistent and symmetric.

I can send a patch but as you mention before, we cannot break API/ABI
compatibility, so what solution do you propose for this?

Tanguy Krotoff <tkrotoff at gmail.com>
+33 6 68 42 70 24

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