<p>hey,</p><p>since either none of our review boards work or I do am not able to make those work, I'll just attach the patch here.<br clear="all"></p><p>It is self-explanatory (if you read the subject). =)</p><p>Bye,</p>
<p>-Riccardo<br></p>-- <br>GPG key:<br>3D0F6376<br>When encrypting, please encrypt also for this subkey:<br>9EBD7FE1<br>-----<br>Pace Peace Paix Paz Frieden Pax Pokój Friður Fred Béke 和平<br>Hasiti Lapé Hetep Malu Mир Wolakota Santiphap Irini Peoch שלום<br>
Shanti Vrede Baris Rój Mír Taika Rongo Sulh Mir Py'guapy 평화