<p>hey!</p><p>as release time is coming up, I need to make some plans for freezing, packaging, releasing and branching extragear, and I'd love if we can have a small talk (ML talk is good, too) to decide a good release plan for extragear-plasma.<br clear="all">
</p><p>What do you suggest? I personally like aseigo's plan (he blogged about it a while ago) but I want to hear others, too. =)</p><p>If we need an IRC meeting to discuss it, I'll be more than happy to set up one.<br>
</p><p>Bye,</p><p>-Riccardo</p>-- <br>GPG key:<br>3D0F6376<br>When encrypting, please encrypt also for this subkey:<br>9EBD7FE1<br>-----<br>Pace Peace Paix Paz Frieden Pax Pokój Friður Fred Béke 和平<br>Hasiti Lapé Hetep Malu Mир Wolakota Santiphap Irini Peoch שלום<br>
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