<br clear="all">The more I think about it the more I think we need a new functionality inside plugins other than match and exec. As well as extended information of type.<br><br>For instance, the bookmark runner will take the input, search for that text on konqueror bookmarks and return the urls that match, the matches when executed will invoque the browser. So far so good. <br>
But we will eventually have more functions available for web urls that just open a browser with that. That functionality will be provided by other plugins that will search for web url in the user input. Being so, if the user write a text that happens to be in its bookmarks, he can get the URL and the only option available will be browser. Instead if that same URL is directly typed, all the actions (runners that match) for that kind of information will be available. IMHO, this will only confuse users. <br>
<br>Also, we need extended type information. To put an example, I`ve modified (locally) the bookmark runner to also read the bookmarks of krdc and konsole. So extra information should be added in the match as for konsole bookmarks we surely are interested in konsole --workdir bookmark or browse it with dolphin. <br>
<br>I see the work that the bookmark runner do as extract information from the user input and get extra meanful information usable by runners. In fact, this idea can be extended to a generic "object recognition", using Strigi and/or Nepomuk. In fact using Nepomuk we will get ontologies! That means the types of information the runners work with will be the same than used elsewhere. That means even further integration with the rest of the programs and much more flexibility. I already sent and email to Trueg asking about what he thinks about this and if Nepomuk can be too slow for krunner.<br>
<br>Aaron suggested some kind of hintting and delaying of hinted runners IIRC. That may be a solution that preserve current interfaz but I`d like you to consider further changes and get some discussion on the topic now that you are meeting. <br>
<br>I hope my explanations were clear ... I really lack that virtue.<br><br>-- <br>Jordi Polo Carres<br>NLP laboratory - NAIST<br><a href="http://www.bahasara.org">http://www.bahasara.org</a><br>