Themes and Panels

Jamboarder jamboarder at
Fri Mar 21 21:27:23 CET 2008

 Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at> wrote:
> if  the  same  file,  then  PanelSvg  would  handle  this  and  need  to  take  an 
> orientation.  as  an  added  win,  then  all  panels  could  still  share  the  same  svg 
> renderer,  which  can  be  fairly  memory  hungry,  behind  the  scenes  as  they  do 
> now.

In this case we'd have to identify sensible SVG element names (prefix or suffix) for each orientation and that hopefully won't be a nightmare to keep sorted out. e.g. top-top, right-top, top-right, top-topright, bottom-center.

Maybe an angle prefix to denote orientation, though it might border on being a little to "code-y" for artists. e.g. 90-top, 90-topright, 90-right, 180-center, 270-bottomleft, etc.

Hope this helps,

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