Animated buttons at bottom of kickoff

M. Mehdi Salem Naraghi momesana at
Thu Mar 6 15:20:56 CET 2008

Hi everybody,

a few days ago I suggested a sort of animation for the kickoff  tab list 
which is placed at the bottom of the applet. I modified the tabbar.h and 
tabbar.cpp in a way that switching the tab is animated now. I had to 
make many changes and probably introduced some bugs and the code got a 
little messy but I'll take care of that in the weekend.  I would like to 
get some feedback on this. What do you think about the animation? Do you 
have any suggestions and is it possible to include my changes into kickoff?
Here is a screencast I made a few minutes ago:
The header and implementation file can be found here:

Thanx in advance

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