Dashboard feedback

Dirk Mueller mueller at kde.org
Thu Mar 6 14:57:32 CET 2008


just some random user feedback from a first-time KDE 4 user: 

he accidentally clicked on the "show dashboard" icon without having an 
application started (and no plasmoid is configured by default). so what has 
happened to him is: 

a) the panel disappeared
b) no information on how to get it back
c) no background-shadow because compositing turned off

d) he clicked with the left mouse button, no reaction
e) he clicked with the right mouse button, no reaction
f) he tried to use "alt-f2" to killall plasma; plasma, but alt-f2 does not 
work while dashbot is up
g) he used ctrl-alt-backspace

This was his complete KDE 4 experience. 


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