The stupid toolbox

Will Stephenson wstephenson at
Tue Mar 4 19:30:22 CET 2008

On Monday 03 March 2008 20:32:02 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> and again, i humbly submit that this is people saying "i don't like it" for
> purely aesthetic reasons and then cloaking it all in a bullshit usability
> argument that ignores real usability issues. so, again, let's concentrate
> on fixing the aesthetic issues, which will innevitably crop up on devices
> as well so we may as well address them now.
> (yes, i'm getting a strong sense of deja vu with regards the recent kickoff
> selection thing, because it's very much the same sort of issue.)

This is not a personal attack.  It is constructive criticism with the intent 
to improve communications, participation and productivity inside the project.

I hope we can take the emotion and swiftness to judge out of the current 
discussions.  Describing the argumentation in the selection thread offhand as 
bullshit is unpleasant and dismissive.  I want all of the KDE community to be 
able to contribute to Plasma's look and feel without being put down in this 
way.  The Plasma team has suffered much public skepticism and downright abuse 
over the past couple of years, and probably feels this external pressure as 
well as internal pressure to implement its plans in the face of 
time-consuming bikeshedding and meddling with details, but grace under duress 
is part of being a good project leader, especially when so much of our work 
is conducted in public.   

Design, aesthetic and usability discussions are by nature subjective, and to 
dismiss a participant's subjective but reasoned opinions is ungracious and 
liable to alienate and put off future participation.


Will Stephenson
IRC: Bille

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