KWin and plasma's colorscheme

Chani chanika at
Wed Feb 6 04:22:03 CET 2008

(ok, this time I'm replying to the correct list! :)

> "Plasma has to follow the SVG colors" ?
> The SVG should follow the configurable desktop color sheme.
> This may sound crazy. But i'm sure this is possible.

in theory I'd like to agree, but in practice... well, my panel has a black 
background and oxygen's default text colour is also black. that's just one 
example of conflicts between plasma's svgs and kde's colours. in theory you 
could solve that by making the panel have a light background by default 
instead, but... eew. personally I think that would look really bad. and then 
what happens to, say, the fluffy bunny theme? at a minimum plasma's text 
colours have to suit its svg backgrounds.

I don't think that limiting the svgs is a good answer here. I do wish I could 
do *some* configuration of plasma colours without having to understand 
themes, though. maybe if some svg themes were self-limiting?

basically I guess I agree with aaron's "if widget themes shipped with an SVG 
theme" comments.

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