Review Request: reasonable applets size in bigger (probably vertical) panels

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Feb 5 01:00:06 CET 2008

On Monday 04 February 2008, Marco Martin wrote:
> ok, first of all i'm sorry of messing up things
> it seemed sooo nice, well :(

np. it's fixed up now and highlighted a bug in contentSizeHint with square 
applets .. and it's got us talking about it again, so ..... 

> > * the resulting icons in Horizontal layouts is overly tiny.
> so making this check only to vertical layouts? not good
> or putting a different maximum size bigger by some rule? like on how much
> the screen it's wide than tall? (yeah, i know sucks on multi monitors)

probably based on the ratio of the applet in the given direction of the 
constraint. so "tall" horizontal or "wide" vertical stripes would have 
applets that are told to conserve space better (e.g. not expand hugely in 
both directions)

> that's why i had tought to applets with no expanding direction, but really

of course, remember that the pager doesn't have an expanding direction either. 
or the system tray. to name two =)

> i can't think on a solution for square applets, if a battery would end up

i've already fixed this, really, by adjusting how contentSizeHint works by 
taking maximumContentSize() into consideration. so just set a proper max size 
and things should still be square, just to the smallest maximum dimension.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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