[Panel-devel] Kickoff menu items

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Thu Nov 29 22:31:00 CET 2007


I have been playing with Kickoff menu items lately. More precisely with the
way selected items are drawn. You can have a look at the result here:


and here:


I made quite a few changes which I will try to list here:
- Changed the selection to fill the full width of the view. It looks more
like a menu this way and it visually connects the item with its expand
arrow on the right if there is any.

- Icons aren't painted a bit transparent anymore. I thought it looked a bit
too washed out. A nicer effect can probably be achieved by highlighting the
selected item, the same way it's done in Konqueror and Dolphin.

- I thought the title looked strange when it was vertically aligned on top
of the item rect, so I centered it instead, and moved the subtitle on its
right (in a crude way, since they use the same font).

Attached patch implements this. You will notice a "#ifdef BLING" in it.
Enabling it paints selecteditems with the gradient you can see in the
second screenshot.
The patch is quite hackish, I just want to know if you think it's a good
idea. In this case I'll clean it up.

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