[Panel-devel] KDE4 Development Environment

Matt Broadstone mbroadst at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 20:49:16 CEST 2005

Hey I'm just quickly posting how I set up my kde4 environment. This is
in no way meant to be the official way of doing it (tm), and is likely
not the best way to do it in a number of situations. But, at least it
gets things building and lets me do some work :)

Here we go, pretty simple really:
1. Create a new user, I chose kde4, this step is bound to be disliked
by a number of people. Personally, I found it much easier to
completely separate it out so the somewhat broken kde4 setup wouldn't
mess with my current kde3 setup.
   useradd -m -G <groups> <username> (I chose kde4 as a username for
future reference in this document)
   passwd <username>

then logout of your current user, and login to the newly created one.
or just su...
   su - <username>

2. Grab the source tree. What I did was download the entire kde4
folder into the root directory of my user, instead of picking out just
pieces. I find this beneficial because I can just switch to that
directory and svn everything in one fell swoop. Again, you may wish to
do this differently.
  cd ~
  svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/work/kde4

3. Let's build qt-copy..
  cd ~/kde4/qt-copy
  (This is more or less directly copied from the README.qt-copy, so
for future notice RTFM heh, by the way make sure you have "byacc"
installed. Gentoo does not have this installed by default so 'emerge
byacc'. You're going to have to fend for yourself with other distros)

  export QTDIR=$PWD
  export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
  export YACC='byacc -d'
  ./configure -qt-gif -no-exceptions -debug -fast -prefix=$QTDIR
  make sub-src sub-tools

4. Now we need to setup the environment variables. 
  cd ~/kde4
  source ./setup-env

5. Now we're ready to tackle kdelibs. I'm assuming we are going to
build the most basic build of kdelibs, so no special configure options
  cd ~/kde4/kdelibs
  unsermake -f Makefile.cvs
  ./configure --prefix=/home/<username>/kde
  unsermake install

5. Now we'll hit kdebase. This will, in all liklihood, not build
completely at all. Only portions are "ported" (used VERY loosely in
this context :) ) but, this is where we're at.
  cd ~/kde4/kdebase
  unsermake -f Makefile.cvs
  ./configure --prefix=/home/<username>/kde

Well, hope that helps some of you who might be a little stuck. Please
feel free to post suggestions and/or changes, as I'm almost sure I
forgot something (yes things accomplished at 3am a week ago are
quickly forgotten)


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