<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Hi,<br><br></div>I would like to firstly say thanks to Bjoern who replied to my initial email very quickly and suggested that I emailed the mailing list. I'm not done many mailing list emails so here goes.<br>
<br></div>My main query is about how OwnCloud resets it's file permissions after I have altered them.<br><br></div>I am trying to use OwnCloud as my personal dropbox style system and also a simple web uploader which for the most part is working apart from the permissions required to actually view my web files. I have the same issue with the web interface as with the windows client so I'm assuming it's something backend ralated.<br>
<br></div><div><div><div><div><div><div>I have the file structure like so<br></div><div><br>Adam/clientsync/Public<br></div><div>Adam/clientsync/Private<br><br></div><div>I want the public section to be accessible via apache and to display/run my HTML and PHP as though they are uploaded via FTP but this is not happening.<br>
My (shared) hosting requires the permissions rwx---r-x (705) to actually execute PHP and read the public files when I recursively change my data directory permissions that contains my user account then it will display but as soon as I interact with OwnCloud via the web or clients then its reset to rwxrwx--- (770).<br>
<br></div><div>I am a web developer and would consider myself fluent in PHP but never worked on such a large app and I'm not great at OOP so I'm struggling to find the areas I need to edit to stop the permission resets. So I'm either looking for direct instructions or at the least a pointer to where/how.<br>
<br></div><div>I am aware that these changes may make my OwnCloud data more insecure but this is my choice and as long as I can manually secure the private areas with the correct permissions then there shouldn't be too much of a worry.<br>
<br></div><div>Regards<br></div><div><br>-- <br><b>Adam Boutcher<br><i>Email:</i></b><i> <a href="mailto:adam.boutcher@gmail.com" target="_blank">adam.boutcher@gmail.com</a></i><br>