Hello!<br><br>A few of us have been hard at work on the python owncloud client, and have today released 0.3.<br><br>Loads of thanks to Hefee, diederikdehaas, duck and everyone that filed bug reports.<br><br>homepage is @ github: <a href="https://github.com/csawyerYumaed/pyOwnCloud/">https://github.com/csawyerYumaed/pyOwnCloud/</a><br>
discussion/mailing list: <a href="mailto:pyowncloud@lists.cknow.org">pyowncloud@lists.cknow.org</a><br>pypi: <a href="https://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=pyOwnCloud">https://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=pyOwnCloud</a><br>
<br>It's pip/easy_install installable now, but you still have to install the csync library yourself, it will not compile it for you. Debian packages should be coming soon!<br><br>This version is much better off, it's been tested against the latest 0.70.5 versions of ocsync, and has a bunch of other things:<br>
<br>version 0.3 (released 2013-04-15)<br> * binary command is now called oclient.<br> * Manpage created.<br> * keyring bugfixes.<br> * tested against 0.70.5 ccynclibrary version.<br> * will prompt for password if not specified in other ways.<br>
* has a setup.py and can be properly 'packaged' now. <br> * better finding of the csync C library<br> * uses python-keyring to use the same passwords as the owncloud-client if<br> available<br> * LICENSE and copyright changes, now all GPL-2<br>
* fixed how we handle versioning to be better.<br><br>Thanks again to everyone that has helped make this thing so much more user-friendly and awesome.<br><br>-Craig<br>