The following translation strings were available for translation at transifex yesterday.<br>Today they were marked as untranslated. I re-translated them in the morning, but<br>right now they are not there anymore. I believe they will reappear tomorrow, but it<br>
is a little frustrating to translate the same strings over and over again.<br><br>I am translating ownCloud to the Slovenian language, but I noticed that the same thing<br>happened to all the languages.<br><br><div>Core:</div>
<div>Database tablespace</div><div><br></div><div>Settings:</div><div>Share API</div><div>Enable Share API</div><div>Allow apps to use the Share API</div><div>Allow links</div><div>Allow users to share items to the public with links</div>
<div>Allow resharing</div><div>Allow users to share items shared with them again</div><div>Allow users to share with anyone</div><div>Allow users to only share with users in their groups</div><div><br></div>