Hello all.<br><br>I'm new to the owncloud community so let me introduce myself. You already know my name, but for the sake of correctness it's Borislav Sabev.<br>Currently I'm a PHP developer at my workplace, a Python dev and GNU Linux enthusiast by hearth. <br clear="all">
<br>So with this said I can continue to the question at hand. Firstly is there token based authentication (authorization) in the core system?<br>After digging through the core, db and apps we found that there is somekind of a token generated in <b>oc_preferences</b>:<br>
<br>userid: ******<br>appid: login<br>configkey: token<br>configvalue: TheTokenItSelf<br><br>Can this be used for tokenizing access to the cloud via mobile apps? We would like to add such support as (maybe) an app, but because of scarse (next to none actually) documentation we don't know where to begin. I've looking at the code for a day and a half now and we're nowhere past knowing that we should use the hooks system. Our requirement states that we should provide token based Authorization in conjunction with LDAP Authentication. My question requires more of a technical guideline than as to how to proceed. A big drawback is that the <a href="http://api.owncloud.org/graph_class.html">Class inheritance diagram</a> does not load. So any ideas and info on the core auth system flow?<br>
<br>Thank you in advance.<br>Cheers,<br> Borislav.<br>