Hello ,<br> My name is Viraj Sinha. I had applied for GSoc 2012 for owncloud dolphin integration but didn't get selected. I really wanted to contribute to owncloud and kde so I had a chat with Bartek Przybylski . He helped me a lot and suggested that first we should think of a protocol for owncloud to link with file managers as the existing process using webdav is too complicated . I would really like to work on this, as the idea is pretty interesting and niece , along with Bartek. This could make the process so easier and fun.Can I submit this as an idea for kde-soc 2012 and Bartek can guide me as he has already helped me a lot? Do let me know guys please as I am really interested to work on it this summer.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Regards<br><br>Viraj Sinha<br>Mitbuzz Developer<br>Third Monkey Labs<br>Dept of Comp Sc<br>MIT,Manipal<br><br>