All,<br><br> Step three of the install instructions (<a href=""></a>) for FTP states to set permissions on the data directory to 750. This does not work on servers where the web service isn't using the same UID as the user or something like suPHP is not in place.<br>
<br> I recommend changing the installation instructions to state something like the following:<br><br>###<br><br>3. Give rights to the web server<br><br>* Using an FTP client: create a directory named "data". Set the "data" and "config" directory's permissions to 750. If you get an error about permissions while trying to install or while trying to upload use 770 instead. If that still doesn't work try 777.<br>
<br>###<br><br> A disclaimer about security problems when using mode 777 can be added as well.<br><br> This will allow users to use ownCloud on shared hosting servers that do not utilise suEXEC or suPHP. <br><br>-Gene<br>