[Owncloud] ownCloud 6 Rest API

Vaster Dev vasterdev at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 14:56:47 UTC 2013


I believe that there is -or will soon be- a great demand for a complete
REST API that will allow developers to integrate core ownCloud
functionality (like creating and sharing folders, uploading and deleting
documents, registering a user or updating her details etc.) into their apps.
Right now, there is an external OCS API which one can use to register his
routes and expose some data from his app. However this requires writing an
ownCloud app and doesn’t exist as an autonomous set of REST calls offered
by ownCloud core.
The only attempt on this direction is the OCS Share Api which gives access
to file/folder sharing functionality from an external application. If
someone wants to perform other types of operations on files & folders he
will have to use webDav.

First of all, am I missing something? Is the one I describe more or less
the current situation?
If yes, in my opinion, there is a great need for at least the following
REST calls:

- Create a user/group
- Update user details
- Insert/Delete/List user(s) from group(s)
- Delete a user/group
- Check if user/group exists (this route already exists for users)
- List all users/groups
- Get user/group information
- List folders
- List files inside a folder
- Create a folder
- Upload a file inside a folder
- Delete a folder or a file
- Move a folder or a file
- Copy a folder or a file
- Get shares of user/Get shares of a file or folder/Get
info/Create/Update/Delete a share (already exists:
... e-api.html<http://doc.owncloud.org/server/5.0/developer_manual/core/ocs-share-api.html>-
I believe “get all shares” method should change to get user login
credentials as input)
- Get version information of a file
- Restore an older version of a file[/list][/list][/list]

These are some calls I can think of off the top of my head. Is anyone
working on this functionality? Are there any pitfalls/problems that
wouldn’t allow someone to create those methods?
If anyone has more ideas please contribute them here.

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