[Owncloud] LDAP users and LDAP-authenticated SMB storage

Vieri rentorbuy at yahoo.com
Thu May 23 11:10:28 UTC 2013


I'm new to owncloud and just trying it out.

I've enabled user LDAP authentication. The LDAP server is Active Directory.

My ownCloud LDAP web config contains:

	host: domain.org
	base dn: cn=users,dc=domain,dc=org
	User Login Filter: sAMAccountName=%uid
	User List Filter: objectClass=person
		User Display Name Field: displayname
		Base User Tree: cn=users,dc=hospitalmanacor,dc=org

When I go to "USERS" I can see a listing of all AD users within OwnCloud.
However, I can't do the following:

- I can only list the first 40 or so users but there's no way I can list more (I have around a 1000 entries in AD). Is there a "next page" button I'm unable to find? Is there a search field I can use to search for a particular user within LDAP (tried the search field in the top-right corner but didn't work)
- When listing all users, the second column ("Display Name") correctly displays the displayName attribute. However, the first column ("Login Name") shows a long ID string such as "0B0F75C7-FCE9-458A-8D58-B8E9CB3F71A7" when it really should be displaying the user login name (eg. value of sAMAccountName).

In any case, AD user authentication works when trying to login from the OwnCloud login page.

Also, LDAP works fine but LDAPS doesn't. I have a self-signed AD server certificate and it's listening on the standard 636 port. I tried host: ldaps://domain.org with and without "Advanced/Use TLS" but it gave me a "connection OK but Bind failure" even if I "Turn off SSL certificate validation". Any ideas?

Finally, I'd like each AD user to mount an external directory via SMB/CIFS.
>From the server command line where ownCloud is installed, I know I can run something like:
smbclient //inf-bl05/usuaris -U username
and it works fine.
However, if I go to "Personal" within the user's owncloud web UI and set:
"External Storage" -> SMB/CIFS -> Configuration: \\smbserver -> username -> userpassword -> smbsharename -> /username
the user is unable to access the SMB share when clicking on ownCloud's "Files" icon.

What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this?

Also, can the ownCloud Admin setup a default SMB external storage for EVERY AD/LDAP user that logs into ownCloud but would require the user's credentials?
For example, suppose \\smbserver\users is a share that contains several user home directories. Obviously there's a subdir for each user within this share with adequate permissions.
I'd like ownCloud Admin to define the external storage  \\smbserver\users for everyone but each user will then have to login with his/her credentials in order to access their private folders within.
Is this possible?



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