[Owncloud] syncing layer of ownCloud

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Wed Mar 27 11:36:15 UTC 2013

On 27.03.2013 11:23, Jakub Moscicki wrote:

> Apologies if this message does not belong to this list - please refer me elsewhere if needed.
No, thats perfectly fine.

> We would like to get an in-depth understanding how the syncing layer in ownCloud works.
> To make it short, here are a few meta-questions to get us started (after a reasonable googling time we have no definitive answers):
>   - git source at http://www.csync.org seems to be lagging behind ocsync-0.70.4 downloaded from https://owncloud.org/sync-clients:
>         - where is ocsync-0.70.4 developed (github?)
No, its git is on the csync server but on a different branch:
Note that we might have other temporar branches , currently for example 
dav_0.70.5, but the main development for ocsync happens in the dav branch.

>         - where the issues should be reported (via mirall github?)

>   - where is the place to discuss features, problems and testing of ocsync (this list?) ?
Yes, this list.

>   - what is the current relation of ocsync, csync and owncloud projects and what is the intended/future relation
ocsync is a branch of csync because for the ownCloud client we needed a 
lot of changes to the original csync. To be able to install csync and 
ocsync in parallel we decided to rename it. Apart from that, we're 
workign with Andreas, the original author of csync, to port patches that 
we have in ocsync back to vanilla csync. That happens in

> And now few "real" questions:
>   - how is ocsync currently tested? stress/scalability tested? any resources to help get us started?
ocsync has a test suite that is run through Jenkins, and there are 
individual test scripts, for example in tests/ownCloud. Systematical 
stress testing is still lacking in our test setup but people do test 
setups to test. Contribution would be very welcome.

>   - does ocsync talk to ocserver via a special protocol to propagate metadata or only via a standard file transfer protocol(s)?
There is no special protocol, just WebDAV. But we use functions in 
WebDAV which are not supported by all WebDAV Servers. Later on we might 
also use other ownCloud server interface, such as the ocs interface.

Thanks for your interest! Mind sharing with us what you plan?



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