[Owncloud] admin tools

Norman Rieß norman at smash-net.org
Tue Jun 25 11:29:48 UTC 2013

Am 25.06.2013 12:54, schrieb Erwin Rennert:
> Oh my oh my, what harsh words! Is there really need for that?
> I would hardly call it spying to get a report on how much of her quota
> user X has used and how much traffic user Y is generating.
> OTOH, I agree that admins should not (easily) see *what* files their
> users are storing. Of course if they know their way about an xterm, they
> can find out quite easily, even now.
> Yours,
> Erwin
> On 06/25/2013 12:49 PM, Norman Rieß wrote:
> Am 25.06.2013 12:42, schrieb RedLM - Luis Miguel Muñoz:
>>>> Is not a question of spying users  but managing the system, I
>>>> think. And not all the Owncloud "admins" have access to
>>>> Webserverlogs and data directories to create automated reports for
>>>> users or departments.
>>>> Don't you agree?
>>>> -----Mensaje original----- De: owncloud-bounces at kde.org
>>>> [mailto:owncloud-bounces at kde.org] En nombre de Norman Rieß Enviado
>>>> el: martes, 25 de junio de 2013 12:33 Para: owncloud at kde.org
>>>> Asunto: Re: [Owncloud] admin tools
>>>> Am 25.06.2013 11:55, schrieb w_user:
>>>>> running 5.0.7
>>>>> Dear group,
>>>>> how can I have an overview, from my admin account, of the users
>>>>> activity like how many times they logged in, how long, files that
>>>>> are stored, shares, messages etc.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>> You should not spy on your users. Webserverlogs and data
>>>> directories should be more than sufficient.
>>>> Norman
> No, i do not.
> Norman

I would hardly call that harsh wording...

Why would you want to know how much of a quota is used? A quota is there
for a reason. You have this much space, you give the user this much
space. How much of it is used by an individual user is non of your business.
Neither is how much traffic a user is generating.

So he wants to see his users files, even their shares and read their
messages?? What do you call that? There is absolutely no reason to do that.

I can use google services if i wanted my data treated like that.

Kind Regards,

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