[Owncloud] new theming

Steffen Lindner gomez at flexiabel.de
Mon Jul 15 15:34:22 UTC 2013


AFAIK, OC_Defaults() just gets the edition: Community or Enterprise.

It would be cool to have links to tickets or fixed bugs in the
changelog. Changelogs with "Improved and simplified theming" and
"Several smaller fixes" in it, is not the way to go.


Am 7/13/13 6:15 PM, schrieb Trey Nolen:
> I was about to do an update from 5.0.7 when I noticed that some new
> things had been added regarding theming.  I usually check my themed
> files against the new release to make sure I don't need to update
> anything, and this time found:
>>     <?php $defaults = new OC_Defaults(); // initialize themable
> default strings and urls ?>
> I checked the changelog and found one of the items was "Improved and
> simplified theming".
> I was wondering where I could find the documentation on this new feature.
> Trey Nolen
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