[Owncloud] (very) large files support in own cloud

Jakub Moscicki Jakub.Moscicki at cern.ch
Thu Jul 11 07:57:31 UTC 2013


I have some users testing owncloud for uploading very large files (> 4GB). They have a valid corporate use-case for this (sharing an binary image file of large simulation system with an external support company).

I have bumped up the php and owncloud config parameters to increase the maximum size of uploaded files but I am currently stuck at ~2GB limit.
I am on SLC6, x86_64 kernel and my php and apache rpms have .x86_64 suffixes (presumably/hopefully compiled with 64bit support).

Following the doc at  http://owncloud.org/support/big-files/ my settings in /etc/php.ini have been experimentally defined as:

post_max_message =  2^31 -1   [ 2247483647 bytes]
upload_max_filesize = post_max_message - 100MB

If I go above 2^31 in these settings then it appears that I wrap around a signed 32 bit integer (?) and the limit is effectively smaller.

Anyone has experience or suggestion how to go up to 4GB or even further?

There is also this app, which I would be willing to help reviewing once I figure out about the basic configuration and owncloud strategy for large file support:


Is this app the "official" way to go for very large files?


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