[Owncloud] Github labels

Jörn Friedrich Dreyer jfd at owncloud.com
Wed Nov 21 11:06:27 UTC 2012

On 20.11.2012 22:11, Diederik de Haas wrote:
> The import Calendar function has a regression [1], but it's dependent on the 
> (input) data. Does Gherkin have provisions for that?
Cucumber uses two steps to specify tests.

1. Gherkin is used to write scenarios in a structured English language.
You can eg. write
Given I am logged in as "alice"
And   I am in the calendar app
And   I selected the month view
When I create a new event
And I enter "Bob's birthday" as title
And I set the end date to 1.1.1970
Then the start date should be corrected to 1.1.1970

2. Cucumber uses step definitions to execute each line:

When /^I am in the "([^"]*)" app$/ do |app|
  visit "/index.php?app=#{app}"
  page.should have_selector('a#logout')


So yes, it is very much encouraged to use specific values in the scenarios.

> While looking at http://owncloud.org/dev/kanban-board/ I saw that there's a 
> "Panic" label. I'm not sure whether such a label sends the right message ;-)
DeepDiver an I thought that a more emotional "Panic" raises the level of
awareness for developers over a "oh this is ... critical ... well, yeah
whatever, pushing my code is critical as well."

> With "Critical" (for example) you'd signal the proper urgency of the issue but 
> you'd be able to realize that you can get your data back by restoring a backup. 
> When you're in panic you wouldn't be able to come up with such a solution.
I see your point, but educating our users to make backups may be out of
scope for ownCloud ;) I still think the call for action with "Panic" is
greater than with "Critical", but that might be because English is not
my mother tongue.

so long


Jörn Friedrich Dreyer (jfd at owncloud.com)
Software Developer
ownCloud GmbH

Your Data, Your Cloud, Your Way!

ownCloud GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, Holger Dyroff
Schloßäckerstrasse 26a, 90443 Nürnberg, HRB 28050 (AG Nürnberg)

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