[Owncloud] OC4 compatibility FAIL

Florian Hülsmann fh at cbix.de
Sat May 26 15:33:26 UTC 2012

In lib/installer.php I found this check:

                 if(!isset($info['require']) or 
			OC_Log::write('core','App can\'t be installed because it is not 
compatible with this version of ownCloud',OC_Log::ERROR);

Which means that if the <require> tag content in info.xml is below the 
ownCloud version number, the installation fails. So in ownCloud 5 no 
external apps can be installed before having their <require> tag set to 
a number >= 5. Can someone please explain me the intension of this 
behavior? Or did I miss something?


Florian Hülsmann
<fh at cbix.de>

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