[Owncloud] Gitorious vs Github

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Thu May 3 17:05:55 UTC 2012

On 03.05.2012 16:14, Stefan Göckeritz wrote:

> I agree, 100%!
Good that you agree ;-)

> Let's move...
I think this discussion should come to a productive state now to let us 
make a decision finally.

Here is once again a brief comparison of the two systems:

Please note one very important point, a lot of replies in this thread 
showed that it was not clear: Github is NOT free software. That means: 
If they decide to switch off, charge, drop users as they like (!) etc., 
we can NOT set it up (or have somebody else setting it up) in a similar 
manner. Thats different with gitorious. That is free software, it can be 
freely downloaded and installed elsewhere if gitorious vanishes. Note 
the difference, especially for a project like us that names free 
software as that argument for data security and privacy. Please think 
about that again.

Now it seems that most contributors to ownCloud do not care so much 
about that and want to switch to github. The arguments are 
understandable, its more useable, its very vibrant, gitorious has 
ongoing problems with availability and a not so handy workflow.

But before we jump in and move, lets collect answers to the following 
questions (and maybe more questions) and than come up with a public 
transition plan which everybody can agree on:
- We have releases. These should be taken under consideration when 
talking about the timeframe of the move.
- The timeframe when the transition runs.
- Who moves the repos?
- Are there repos to rename while we're over it?
- How do we migrate users?
- What consequencies has the github model/licensing for ownCloud Inc.?
- maybe more.
- (Add your question here)

Maybe all these questions are answered easily, but they should be 
listed, answered and finally the base for a decision. A move will be 
effort and that should be decided wisely about.
Who volunteers to drive that?

Regarding the bugtracker, do we agree that it is no option to switch to 
the github bugtracker? First, it sucks - as Jans example OpenHatch from 
below also says. And second, I doubt that we can migrate users and bugs 
successfully from buggenie to github bugtracker. And we can not scare 
off ownCloud contributors by wasting their bugs they entered so far.

Our buggenie is not as genious as it needs to be for us, but thats a 
different story and I am sure we can improve that. Different email ;-)



> Am Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012 16:10:06 schrieb Jan-Christoph Borchardt:
>> By the way, OpenHatch (http://openhatch.org ) recently moved from
>> Gitorious to Github for similar reasons as the issues we have:
>> http://lists.openhatch.org/pipermail/devel/2011-November/002521.html
>> I can only emphasize that Gitorious is also a centralized service. I
>> can not use my account anywhere else, nor can I be sure they run the
>> code they purportedly do. They can shut down any minute – and in fact,
>> they have way more downtime or problems than Github. It often is a
>> pain to work with when it simply doesn’t do what it is supposed to do
>> – which is »just work, damnit«.

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