[Owncloud] Sync-Client and Apps Issue

Duarte Velez Grilo duartegrilo at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 16:02:00 UTC 2012

Em 19-06-2012 16:54, Klaas Freitag escreveu:
> On 19.06.2012 17:48, Diederik de Haas wrote:
>> On Tuesday 19 June 2012 09:31:03 Thomas Müller wrote:
>>>> Can someone explain HOW to attach a file to the bug tracker?
>>>> When submitting a bug/enhancement/etc you'll see a 'button' to attach a
>>>> file, but  when you click on it, it doesn't allow it and tells you to
>>>> submit the bug first. After that, I don't see a button or sth else to
>>>> attach a file.
>>> On an existing issue you can click on the tab 'Attached information' -
>>> there are two buttons 'Attach a link' and 'Attach a file'.
>>> Are they working for you or not?
>> No, I only see "There is nothing attached to this issue", no buttons
>> to attach a
>> file or link.
> Sorry, silly question, but are you logged in in the bugtracker?
> I just checked the admin settings of buggenie and attaching is enabled
> for logged in users.
I confirm that there *isn't* any button there. I'm also logged in. 
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/REDWY.png


> regards,
> Klaas

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