[Owncloud] Calendar Sharing

peter at chubb.wattle.id.au peter at chubb.wattle.id.au
Thu Jun 14 23:45:39 UTC 2012

>>>>> "Jan-Christoph" == Jan-Christoph Borchardt <hey at jancborchardt.net> writes:

Jan-Christoph> On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Frank Karlitschek
Jan-Christoph> <frank at owncloud.org> wrote:
>> On 10.06.2012, at 21:50, Michael Gapczynski <mtgap at owncloud.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Sunday, June 10, 2012 09:15:31 PM Frank Karlitschek wrote:
>>>> On 10.06.2012, at 21:14, Georg Ehrke
>>>> <ownclouddev at georgswebsite.de> wrote:
>>>>> Am 10.06.2012 um 21:12 schrieb Frank Karlitschek:
>>>>> For files we want to have a system in the future that respects
>>>>>> rights for
>>>>> CRUDS. CRUDS stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete and Share
>>>>> So perhaps it makes sense to do the same for calendar entries or
>>>>>> other
>>>>> data?>>
>>>>> :-)
>>>>> Frank
>>>>> Will this already be part of Micheal's sharing api?
>>>> Hehe. Good question. Probalby not because we haven´t talked about
>>>> this yet :-)
>>>> Michael: What do you think?
>>> If I'm not mistaken, you're talking about a CRUD system for files
>>> through the public app API correct?
>> Exactly.
>> But I think we should add an "S" here for Sharing. This could
>> control if a ressource can be reshared or not.  Does this make
>> sense?

Jan-Christoph> I advise against exposing the technological
Jan-Christoph> implementation to people.  Basically the mental model
Jan-Christoph> is 3 modes, from most restrictive to most permissive:

Jan-Christoph> 1: I can’t access it.  2: I can see it (means I can
Jan-Christoph> read, share (!), etc) 3: I can modify it (means I can
Jan-Christoph> edit, add, delete, etc)

It's going to be more complex than that no matter what you do.
Re-sharing implies some kind of grant-of-rights, and may or may not
imply shared ownership of the file.  For example, if I
delete a file shared with me by somone else, does this just delete my shared
view, or the actual file?  If I'm the original creator of the file and
I delete it, does that delete all the shared ones too?  Or just my
view of it?  If I'm the creator of a file, and I unshare it, what

Peter C

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