[Owncloud] Temporary directory for zip file creation

Marc Muehlfeld Marc.Muehlfeld at medizinische-genetik.de
Fri Nov 25 11:53:06 UTC 2011


I set in the Apache vHost:

    <IfModule mod_php5.c>
       php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir /srv/ownclouddata/tmp

to have the OwnCloud tmp-directory on a mountpoint where I guaranteed have 
enough space (of course it's outside the documentroot).

If I upload large files, I see them temporarily in that directory. Fine. But 
when someone does a zip-download, the zip-file is still created in /tmp.

Is there a way by a php.ini value to let OwnCloud zip in a different folder 
than /tmp? I don't want to change the sources.

Or maybe this is also a good feature request: Config-option for defining the 
temporary directory.


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