[Owncloud] Re: Mockup (4 - Sign In page)

François K. daitheflu at free.fr
Thu Feb 10 10:08:27 UTC 2011

Hi Oluf,

Thanks for your comments and ideas :)
I commented below.

----- "Oluf Lorenzen" <finkregh at mafia-server.net> a écrit :

> - dont add space between "sign in" and ":" (dont do that anywhere :))

I think it depends on your language rules. In french, for example, you *have to* add a space before and after a ":".
I think the rule is different for german (still, not sure). I don't know the rule for english but i18ners should correct this if I'm wrong :)

This leads me to another question : do we have i18n facilities in ownCloud ?

> - move the "Sign In" from above the login into the submit-button

Done. I'll update the mockup this evening.

> - make the submit-button float right

This is probably going to be a problem. The form takes the whole horizontal space and is automatically centered.
If we want to have something right align, we'll have to specify a width for the form. I'll give it a try and see what I can do.
I wanted to keep everything centered for this particular form.

> > The others mockups are stored here :
> > Files         : http://www.kubler.org/owncloud-mockups/
> - missing images for [upload] and [share] ;)

Yep, I know but I couldn't find good ones for those buttons :/

> > User settings :
> http://www.kubler.org/owncloud-mockups/user_settings.html
> - float the input-fields left, the submit-button can stay right

As I said, there is a little bug with the CSS I uploaded yesterday evening. I'll correct this tonight :)

> - keep the values of the same things togehter
> not: You're currently using 72% of your 10GB space (7.2GB).
> but: You're currently using 72% (7.2GB) of your 10GB space.

You're right, I'll correct this.

Thanks again !


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