<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi,<br></div>I'm attaching here a patch that adds support for SVG images in Epubs.<br></div>I'm sending you the patch in mail because Review Board didn't accept my patch.<br>
</div>So instead of going for other alternatives I thought it would be easy to send you the patch through mail.<br><br></div><a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xcqfwn8khbqac0d/vDRuFRw9vq">This</a> contains two epub files having svg images as cover.<br>
<br></div><b>Note :: it is for branch "epub-qtextdoc".</b><br><br></div>Cheers,<br>Jaydeep<br></div>