Hello there,<br><br>I am a Comp Sci student from the University of St Andrews, helping out (at DTU Denmark) with a project to make computers more accessible to blind people.<br><br>The main interest at the moment is to get blind people to use PDF's easily and effectively (under Linux), so I have been asked to contact the development groups of the main Linux pdf readers and see if they are working towards implementing such functionality and offer collaboration, or maybe even start on my own.<br>
<br>At these stage I haven't looked the the implementation of Okular yet, but Okular's speak function is very close to what would be necessary for a blind person to read pdfs.<br><br>Could you please let me know if someone is already working towards this so I don't duplicate work?<br>
<br>In the case that there isn't anyone working on this, I would be happy to start. However I would need to look at the implementation of the other pdf readers to see which one would be quicker to implement, as DTU is very keen on getting something working rather sooner than later (there are some time constraints).<br>
<br>Thanks a lot<br>Max<br><br>