Blue Angel info | include in manual or "About" info-box?

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss joseph at
Tue Nov 29 15:23:28 GMT 2022


I was talking with Cornelius and we thought it might be worth including 
information about Okular receiving the Blue Angel in Okular's manual or 
the "About" info-box in the application itself. (I looked but didn't 
find one, though.)

Would this be something Okular developers would be interested in?

I have prepared two texts that may be used for this; see below.

If you agree this is a good idea, please let me know if I can help in 
any way.


== short text ==

In February 2022, Okular was awarded the Blue Angel environmental label 
award by the German government for sustainable software design.

== long text ==

In February 2022, Okular was awarded the Blue Angel environmental label 
award by the German government for sustainable software design. To 
obtain the ecolabel, Okular demonstrated it meets a list of requirements 
considered critical for the environment over the product's life cycle. 
These included transparency in energy and resource consumption when 
using Okular and the ability to run the application on hardware at least 
five years old, as well as compliance with a list of user autonomy 
requirements which reduce the environmental impact of software.

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
BE4FOSS Project and Community Manager (KDE Eco)
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